Eye on the Sky Vol. 1 – Saturday, August 26, 2023

There will be a supermoon on Wednesday, August 30! A supermoon happens when the moon is full and is its closest to Earth. This makes it look really big! This particular moon is extra special because it’s also a blue moon. No, it isn’t actually going to appear blue (unless there is a volcano erupting near you.) It just happens to be the second full moon in August and that is pretty rare. Have you ever heard the saying “once in a blue moon?” People started saying that in the 1600s to mean something is impossible. We say it now about things that are very rare. This moon is actually named after the saying! How funny is that?! If you take a look at the East-Southeast horizon a little after 7:30pm on Wednesday, you’ll catch this rare full moon, supermoon, blue moon as it rises! Maybe listen to “Blue Moon” by the Marcels while you’re at it! 😉

Geek Out,
Miss. Andrea

Categories: Science


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