Eye on the Sky Vol. 2 – Saturday September 2, 2023

San Diego has a very active Astronomy Association and there are so many places nearby where you can learn about and view the night sky. This week offers a particularly fun experience, and best of all, it’s free!

“At dusk on the first Wednesday of each month, following the monthly ‘Sky Tonight’ planetarium show in the Fleet Science Center’s Space Theater, members of the SDAA set up telescopes on the north side of the Fleet Center building by the large fountain in Balboa Park for free public sky viewing. Though the sky is not as dark and clear as one might hope, viewers can enjoy a variety of sights, from the moon and planets to the brighter stars.”

Keep in mind they do cancel if it’s raining or particularly cloudy, but we are looking forward to the planetarium show (not free,) as well as viewing through a powerful telescope, and we will be jamming to “Stars” by Switchfoot in the car on the way! 🤩

Categories: Science


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