Eye on the Sky Vol. 15

We have reached the end of this celestial series! What better way to celebrate than to attend a Star Party! SDAA hosts these regularly, and there just happens to be one this weekend. We’ll have to miss it, as we’re traveling, but you can follow this link to go to the SDAA calendar and find more details about the Tierra Del Sol Dark Sky Observing Site: https://sdaa.org/sdaa-public-events-calendar/

After you see what’s happening, you can wander around the website to find all kinds of resources. Check out the newsletter for pages and pages of insight. The articles are written by amateur and professional astronomers from all over the world! Maybe they’ll even inspire you to join!

As always, we’ll be searching among the stars and listening to music. The theme song this weekend will be Space Oddity by David Bowie and we’ll be looking for Geminids, checking out Jupiter, and hoping for clear enough skies to see the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye. 🌌

Categories: Science


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